Festival Stories

Industry Issues - the short version write up | A Festival Story by Sam Richards

Industry Issues - the short version write up | A Festival Story by Sam Richards

Industry Issues, 17 September, Katie Baggs and Chris French

This was the first session of the festival and the organisers, Katie and Chris, drew in a big and varied crowd of designers, creatives, and students.

The room mapped out all of the challenges facing the service design industry but the focus was largely around one burning issue: why is service design so misunderstood? How best can we describe it and, importantly, how can we get senior leaders to understand its value?

 Diversity and Inclusion in Service Design Write Up | A Festival Story by Sam Richards

 Diversity and Inclusion in Service Design Write Up | A Festival Story by Sam Richards

Julian led a thought provoking workshop on the first Sunday afternoon of the festival with a discussion about diversity and inclusion in the service design industry.

The group began the session by discussing what diversity means to them and exploring the difference between diversity and inclusion. We discussed culture, background and values. We also shared our thoughts and experiences of diversity (or a lack thereof) in the workplace and why we think diversity matters in service design.

There was a lot of food for thought in this session but, in brief, here’s what I learnt:

The Craft of Service Design Write Up | A Festival Story by Sam Richards

The Craft of Service Design Write Up | A Festival Story by Sam Richards

Sam Richards is a programme development officer and illustrator based in London. She attended and helped out at three workshops at this year’s Service Design Fringe Festival. Here, she shares her thoughts on the The Craft of Service Design, held on 21 September and run by LCC.

Dear service design, what are you? | A Festival Story from Michelle Isme

Dear service design, what are you? | A Festival Story from Michelle Isme

Michelle Isme was this year's Social Media Sweetie on the festival team. She attended the Industry Issues event on Day 2 of the festival. Here she shares her reflections and insights as a result of attending the session.

Her perspective is that of a creative person on a journey to find the difference between service design and product management, in order to inform her career direction.

Article reposted with permission. Originally posted on Medium